This year has been possibly the most difficult of my life, although 1976 may still top it. It’s hard to compare experiences at such different places in my life. Nonetheless, I’ll look back on 2011 as the year that I buried two very dear family members. The weight of that loss is exquisite (and also not that unusual–we should all be gentler with each other). I wish I could say to hell with 2011, and leave it all behind for 2012, but you don’t shake off losses like that just because the calendar turns over. On a personal level, what I can say about 2011 is that I survived, that it was a difficult year capping a string of very difficult years, and that quite frankly the universe owes me. I hope 2012 is a year of gain–finally–rather than loss.
On a professional and financial level, 2011 has been a banner year. I’ve written 140 articles for BWT, three quarters of a novel, and a handful of articles for other magazines. I’ve made four short fiction sales. I began blogging “for real” and am gaining readers and visitors. And in spite of being the sole breadwinner in the house since April, have ended the year on stronger financial footing than at the beginning, in keeping with our long term household plans and goals. I am also two cats richer.
In 2010, I set myself the goal of making a “comeback” in writing. I had stopped writing and submitting for several years. With all that was going on with Mom and in other parts of my life, I had let it slip away. I made sacrifices to find the time, and I wrote seven new stories. I’ve sold one of those stories, so far, and the rest are in circulation. I knew it would take about two years. Coming in at the 18 month mark, I would say I’ve achieved that goal. I feel like writers and readers are beginning to be aware of me again comparable to 2004-2006.
Everyone have a safe New Year Celebration, and I wish you a year of abundance and gain in 2012.